Would I vote for Rubio? I can’t imagine ever doing so in a Republican presidential primary or a Senate primary where there is a credible alternative. (The general election is an entirely different matter).
My opposition isn’t based solely on Rubio’s immigration stance, although this is by far the most consequential issue he has handled during his three years in Washington, so that it’s reasonable for those of us who strongly oppose his amnesty legislation to vote against him on this basis alone.
The other big problem is trust. Just three years ago, Rubio ran for the Senate as an unequivocal opponent of the kind of legislation he has now sponsored. A politician can, in good faith, change his mind, of course. But that doesn’t seem to be what happened here.
In his time as Speaker of the Florida House, before he ran for the Senate, Rubio’s positions were pro-illegal immigrant. And his position today is pro-illegal immigrant. I conclude, therefore, that the hard line he took as a Senate candidate against amnesty for illegal immigrants in 2010 was insincere. Accordingly, I don’t believe Rubio can be trusted.
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