Bloomberg's deputies defend hosting anti-gun group's website on government servers

Bloomberg aides strenuously pushed back on questions of propriety, insisting that there is a distinction between MAIG – which is the “broad coalition of 950 mayors” — and the MAIG “action fund,” which is the 501c4. The mayoral coalition, they argued, fits within the legislative priorities of Bloomberg’s administration.


“Mayor Bloomberg is the co-chair of the coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns,” said John McCarthy, a City Hall-based spokesman for Bloomberg who also handles elements of the group’s media output.

“Its activities are in the interest of keeping New York City safe. He is acting in his capacity as mayor of New York City,” he added. “Just as when he advocates for a bill in Albany that we want passed he is acting in his capacity as mayor, because he believes the bill is in the city’s interests. That is the prerogative of any mayor.”

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