In other words, a woman had taken it upon herself to write up a stranger and demand that she denounce a friend in order to prove her purity. Sans an affirmation of righteousness, how could this poor wretch allow Scalia into her life? How could she enjoy Scalia’s writings on PRISM or pet dogs or Bobby Kennedy if she didn’t first publicly shame this awful gay for getting married? …
What I find most stunning—I really can’t emphasize this enough—is that our culture has devolved to the point where one person feels comfortable writing another person she does not know in order to inquire if that second person has any intention of denouncing a third person (who the first person, I assume, also does not know).
What madness is this? How can we expect to have a fully functioning society if we spend all of our time adjudicating whether or not the people we read and the culture we consume is of the correct political persuasion?
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