"Marco Rubio has allowed himself to be used by the Democrats to divide his own party"

Marco Rubio has allowed himself to be used by the Democrats to divide his own party. The Democrats know the issue of immigration brings out the crazy on our side like most military issues do to the Democrats’ side. Rubio played, willingly, right into their hands. Now the Democrats and guys like Mario Lopez are screaming racism, much of the Republican base is doing its best to prove them right through over the top rhetoric, and the Democrats are thanking their god the GOP is now fighting itself instead of focusing on the IRS or using both the IRS and NSA matters to form a larger critique against big government.


On the House side, John Boehner intends to prove the crony capitalist critique of the GOP correct. He’ll vote for a bloated farm bill that subsidizes, funds, and kicks back whole industries that could not exist but for the congressional porkers in Washington.

This should not be happening in a party with a pulse, which makes one wonder if the party has one. Is this what it looked like as the Whigs fell apart? The Whigs divided over the issue of the day — slavery, in the face of a largely united Democratic Party front. Now, the GOP divides over the issue of the day — state power. Again, the Democrats are largely united.

They that are fated to be fools have one consolation — that they are also fated to be ignorant of it. Give amnesty so they can pay to close the border behind them. Really? Really?

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