A faith to stand firm

They want now a recognition orthodox Christian churches cannot give. Consider, as an aside, this fantastically awesome post at Huffington Post demanding that Southern moderates rally to shut me up. The author’s major problem with me relates to rather orthodox expressions of Christian faith, though he takes a few out of context. Homosexual practice is clearly a sin in the Bible — consistent from Old Testament to New Testament. But gay rights activists will not be satisfied until everyone who believes this is shut up.


Further, once the gay scouts grow up and become more vocal and see more legitimacy from the scouts, the rest of the prohibitions will fall. “Morally straight” will be a moral straightness conforming to a secular world.

Churches see this first vote by the Boy Scouts as, so to speak, the wall at Helms Deep breached or the Maginot Line crossed.

We all like sheep have gone astray and we all fall short of the glory of God. But at this point in society, a lot of forces hostile to the church want the church to accept sinners and their sins, which they cannot do.

One cannot teach moral straightness when one lifestyle is not morally straight unless celibate — a decision few will make and most will ridicule.

So it is better for churches to just go on and opt out.

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