What came back was a two-part answer, part of which shot down my theory, and part of which supported it. First, some of the information that is classified is of a type that is always classified and would be classified whether Benghazi had happened or not. How many U.S. warplanes are in a given place at a given time? How long does it take for an American force to get from Point A to Point B? Where are particular weapons kept? All that is information the U.S. government does not want potential enemies to know. So, it is not as if there are reams of information that are specifically classified because they deal with Benghazi. Rather, such information is in a category that is usually classified.
The second part of the answer was very specific to Benghazi. Why wasn’t the U.S. government more prepared for what happened? For years now, the government has taken care to be especially ready for action on the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Did the Obama administration let down its guard on a particularly dangerous day?…
So why, indeed? The answer is classified. The bottom line is that detailed information about the military’s response to Benghazi is both routinely classified and evidence of how woefully unprepared we were in that difficult part of the world on that particular day. It’s an issue about which Armed Services Committee Chairman McKeon has been demanding information from the Pentagon.
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