No, Holder's leak discussions with the press shouldn't be off the record

Holder should bring the whole debate out into the public square — and the more public, the better. He should ask a high-powered group of leading public citizens to examine the issue fully and, if need be, loudly.


Veteran journalists like NBC’s Tom Brokaw and CNN’s Bernard Shaw have covered war and peace for decades. Current practitioners like CBS’s Mary Walsh, who covers the Pentagon expertly, and the Washington Post’s Walter Pincus, who has deep sources in intelligence, might be asked. National security veterans like Leon Panetta, Bob Gates, Bob Kerrey and former CIA head Mike Hayden could give powerful voice to the very real threats posed by leaks.

Former military officers like retired Maj. Gen. James “Spider” Marks have seen the intersection of intelligence and war-fighting, and I’d sure like to know the perspective of retired Gen. Stan McChrystal, whose military career was done in by incendiary comments by his staff to the press.

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