Rand Paul's amnesty plan is worse than Rubio's

Paul, like The National Council of La Raza, would never call his plan amnesty, but that is exactly what it is. Unlike the tens of millions of people worldwide who would like to become U.S. citizens, but are not in the country today, Paul would allow those illegally in the country now to both stay here and apply for citizenship. …


Worse, unlike the Gang of Ocho amnesty plan endorsed by Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., Paul would force Republicans to play the role border-security-bad-guys every year. …

You don’t have to be a genius to figure out how this would turn out. Every year a majority of Republicans would vote to say the border was not secure and those who came to the country illegally should not continue down the path to citizenship. And every year every Democrat and a minority of Republicans would vote the opposite, allowing those who came illegally to advance down that path… until of course they are all sworn in as Democratic voters.

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