“That morning that Harry died, she got up and got on the computer and then she came to me said, ‘Mama, please let me do this, it’s real important.’ And she said, ‘I know it’s not your style, I know it’s not what you would have written, but it’s important to me.’ Well, I started reading it and I thought, there is no way in the world.”
But as she continued to read the obituary Amanda crafted, infused with details about Harry’s “life-long love affair with deviled eggs” and “sausages on saltines,” his adoration for using his “oversized ‘old man’ remote control” to “flip between watching The Barefoot Contessa and anything on The History Channel,” his insistence on taking “fashion cues from no one” and the demand that in his honor, “you write your Congressman and ask for the repeal of Day Light Saving Time,” Ann had a change of heart.
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