A busy Iranian regime: Torturing prisoners, persecuting minorities

The Human Rights Council has released a report on the situation of human rights in Iran. Their findings concluded that:

“[T]here has been an apparent increase in the degree of seriousness of human rights violations in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Frequent and disconcerting reports concerning punitive State action against various members of civil society, reports about actions that undermine the full enjoyment of human rights by women, religious and ethnic minorities; and alarming reports of retributive State action against individuals suspected of communicating with the Special Procedure raises serious concern about the Government’s resolve to promote respect for human rights in the country.” …


While Iran claims to the international community that it wants to expand its voice and end economic sanctions, they still must address their grave human rights violations. When 56% of those imprisoned report physical torture, 72% of those imprisoned report psychological torture, and almost 500 people are executed in one year, I doubt we are to see any diplomatic changes between much of the West and Iran.
– See more at: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/03/01/a-busy-iranian-regime-torturing-executing-and-persecuting-women-gays-and-religious-minorities.html#sthash.bWRqo49j.dpuf

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