This is the letter you get if Massachusetts thinks your kid is too fat

Two lawmakers in Massachusetts are fighting to reverse a 2009 legislative initiative mandating body mass index (BMI) screenings in public schools in order to end the practice of “fat letters” being sent to the homes of overweight or obese children.


The BMI notification letters, which are sent to all families with children in the Massachusetts public school system, note that the measurement on the page “may not tell the whole story about your child’s weight,” as BMI “cannot tell the difference between muscle and fat.” …

“I have come across many parents whose children are perfectly fit, healthy and active in sports, but muscular in build and are reporting that they’ve received letters stating their child is obese or at risk for obesity,” Bridget Martin told North Andover Patch. “Some of these children laughed at these letters stating that they are obese because they know it is ridiculous, while others become upset, depressed and ashamed, even though they are far from obese.”

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