Why Olympians have so much sex

“People away from their home environment tend to be a little more free, sexually,” Sadock said, pointing out that significant others may be far away and out of mind. Additionally, leaving home often results in losing the stresses of daily life, which is why couples often report better sex when on vacation, she said.


Condoms have been provided at the Olympics since 1992, and this year, Durex sent 150,000 to the Olympic Village — enough for each athlete to have sex 15 times during the Games.

While leaving town is an important step toward sexual freedom, Olympians also all have something critical in common — they have worked for years, and many for their whole lives, to get to the Games. This creates an automatic bond between individuals, not to mention an easy conversation starter, Sadock said.

Working on a common goal often brings people together, even sexually, Sadock said.

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