Morsi advisor: We may want to change Camp David accords to assert control over Sinai

Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi is considering calls to amending the Camp David Accords in order to ensure his country’s “full sovereignty” over the Sinai Peninsula, his legal adviser, Mohammed Gadallah told Al-Masry Al-Youm in a report published on Tuesday…


Bedouin leaders have demanded the deployment of helicopters to Sinai to track the movements of smugglers and terrorists, as well as an upgrade of the cellular phone network which is today largely dependent on antennae in Gaza and Israel. Yet their most important demand is to open a free trade zone in Sinai and establish an official and open terminal between Sinai and Gaza to replace the current tunnel-based trade routes – a step that would also provide employment to the local Bedouin community.

The Egyptian Parliament and the Supreme Military Council are aware of the security risks in Sinai – a situation that may prompt an Israeli intervention in the peninsula. The Egyptian government has recognized the need for investment in Sinai’s resources, and according to local reports has allocated about 100 million dollars for infrastructure, industry and services in the area. However, the funds have yet to be provided, and it is still unclear when they will be officially transferred.

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