Sarah Palin, Senate kingmaker

“She’s a rock star right now in Republican Senate primaries. She’s hit a pretty strong streak,” said Scott Bensing, a former executive director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. “She gives the impression that she has deeply held beliefs she’s willing to take on water for and doesn’t really care what her critics think. She comes off resolute and principled.”


Palin’s victory roster this cycle includes Indiana’s Richard Mourdock, Nebraska’s Deb Fischer, Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch and Texas’ Ted Cruz, who shattered expectations Tuesday with a 14-point win in a runoff against Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst.

No other conservative icon or entity matches her record.

Though Palin tweaks her formula from race to race, her picks suggest she wants at least some of these traits in a candidate: A robust grassroots operation, an anti-establishment instinct and the aura of an underdog…

“A game changer. In every sense of the word,” said Kansas City-based GOP operative Jeff Roe, who is advising a pro-Steelman super PAC. “Palin turns the conservative litmus strip bright red, and the fact that she is endorsing another female makes it that much more electric.”

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