Mitt rips Obama camp's "dishonesty"

“A campaign based on falsehood and dishonesty does not have long legs,” Romney said on “Fox and Friends,” later adding: “The president only has one thing going, and that is constant attacks on me. They’re dishonest. They’re misdirected. And I think the American people recognize that kind of politics as something of the past. It may work in Chicago, but it’s not going to work across America.”


The presumptive Republican nominee also dismissed calls from some in the GOP to release more of his tax returns, arguing it would only give the Obama campaign “more things to pick through, more things for their opposition research to make a mountain out of, and to distort and to be dishonest about.” …

“If we want to talk about transparency, the real issue is, why has this president used his presidential power and executive privilege to keep the information about the Fast and Furious program from being explained to the American people?” the former Massachusetts governor said, referring to Obama’s assertion of executive privilege over documents related to the disastrous “gun-walking” operation.

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