What if, instead of debating whether partisans will put the country’s interests ahead of their own or find reasons to move beyond the gridlock in which they have mired Congress, Washington surmounted the political system and put someone above it? Someone who, like a living Statue of Liberty, symbolizes the nation and represents not one ideology but the American people…
Having a head of state who is above politics is key to the British system. It is the queen who opens Parliament with an address — written by elected officials — that outlines the legislative agenda for the year. It is the queen who appears on currency; the military branches are her services; taxes are levied and laws are carried out in her name…
With the exception of the military, there is no U.S. institution that enjoys as much support as Britons have for their monarchy. Not churches or organized religion (in which only 48 percent of Americans have confidence, according to Gallup), not the Supreme Court (37 percent), the presidency (35 percent) or Congress (12 percent).
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