Roseanne Barr pretty unhappy about this Hilary Rosen/Ann Romney dust-up

Hilary Rosen should not have attacked the Leisure Class’ women—does Romney pay her, too? What a great opportunity she has given the vast right wing conspiracy—suggesting that their women don’t work when everybody can see that the Women of the Right are large and in charge. The picture of Ann Romney “manning” the phone banks in front of a campaign poster that reads “Mitt Romney is good for business” tells me all I need to know about her contributions to her family, her church and her country—convincing other privileged white women that defeating feminism is necessary to save the confederacy of dunces called the GOP, which steals bread from the mouths of widows and orphans and workers’ retirement funds, as it congratulates itself for dismantling all that social safety net entitlement, nanny state, load of socialist insurrection, and places those funds instead into private hands, so that the filthy working sluts can’t get any of it for their selfish selves. They will just use it to pay for abortions and other fun things if given half a chance…


But why bring out this fake issue again now? Could it be to divert the conversation away from the continued restrictions being placed on women’s reproductive rights, make us forget that both parties are socialists for their own causes whose joint policies of redistribution of wealth have made it nearly impossible for anyone to “chose” the stay-home option and not feel that the system is rigged against 99.9 percent of the population no matter how hard they work?

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