Your hatred of my "don't hate me for being beautiful" piece proves I was right

Without doubt, this is a gender issue. For not only is it mostly women who are attacking me, it is also because I am female that I am being attacked for acknowledging my attractiveness.


If Brad Pitt were to say: ‘Yes, I’m a good-looking fella,’ then the world would nod sagely in agreement. But if Angelina Jolie uttered something along those lines, she’d be subject to the same foaming-at-the-mouth onslaught hurled at me yesterday.

I’ve been astounded at the intelligent women — I’m talking well-known columnists and opinion-formers — who, rather than entering into a debate about why we can’t compliment women when they are good looking, have instead taken to their Twitter accounts to trash me in typical playground bully style.

Smart women I’ve previously admired appear to have relished putting the boot in. No debate, no discussion, let’s just attack this bit of skirt for daring to declare she thinks she’s not too bad when she looks in the mirror.

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