Mitt can’t fake it. He stinks at politicking. But then again, so did many others who would later succeed at governing. If Boston wants their candidate to humanize himself, maybe they should just let him admit that fact and stop trying to stuff himself into a suit that doesn’t fit.
So what should Mitt Romney tell Americans when he stops joking about his father shutting down plants or when he stops pretending to be a fan of “The Hunger Games”? Maybe he could start with the truth about himself. …
Mitt Romney should then just admit the sad truth. He’s stiff. He’s boring. He looks plain uncomfortable every time he tries to be cool. And despite what the love of his life may believe, he has never been the life of any party. But he may be the only leader on the national stage who has what it takes to fix an economy that’s deep in debt, bleeding jobs by the year and suffering through 30 years of decline.
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