Romney reassures top donors: Don't worry, I'll win

Mr. Romney’s pitch to donors Wednesday was similar to the one he made to his finance and political teams in Boston after Super Tuesday. “It’s going to be a long tough road, but we’re going to rough it out, and we’re going to be the nominee,” said John Catsimatidis, a supermarket magnate who organized one of Wednesday’s fund-raisers…


“Are you still able to pick up delegates when you don’t win a state?” asked one worried guest at the breakfast event. Of course, Mr. Romney assured him…

While donors privately worry about Mr. Romney’s ability to relate to average Americans, the finance and corporate executives he mingled with Wednesday are perhaps the group with whom he feels most comfortable — and who are equally enthusiastic about him.

“Don’t forget, New York is a town of businesspeople, investment bankers, bankers, and they respond to him whether they’re Republican or Reagan Democrats or businesspeople who used to be Clinton Democrats,” Mr. Catsimatidis said. “They love this guy because he’s a straight arrow, he’s level-headed, and he’s going to do the right thing for our country.”

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