Contraception mandate won't be the last liberty-trampling consequence of Obamacare

This is not the first, and will not be the last, consequence of President Barack Obama’s 2010 health care legislation. It was a bad tree, and it is bearing bad fruit. That law, which we believe is unconstitutional in multiple ways, will continue to spawn conflicts in our country. As we see here, it threatens the fundamental rights of every American.


Our Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Laws and government policies must confirm to it — not the other way around. Presidents and senators take the same oath to support and defend the Constitution — not a particular ideology or political agenda. This mandate is the latest manifestation of the Obama administration preferring its political agenda over the fundamental rights protected by the Constitution.

James Madison’s warning at America’s founding — that the people are right to take alarm at the first experiment upon their liberties — rings no less true today. This is hardly the first advance on our liberties from this administration, but it is perhaps the most obvious. It should be a rallying cry to all Americans.

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