The CPAC 2012 experience: 43 pictures

CPAC is a conservative Disneyland for bloggers. You get up early and stay out late, meet famous conservatives, hang out with friends you only get to see in person 2-3 times a year, meet dozens and dozens of new people, and hit parties and receptions galore. In addition, you’re constantly circulating, being pitched by candidates and people hawking products, and walking from one side of the cavernous hotel to the other to try to chase down friends, get to events, or get snaps of big names. Even that description doesn’t really convey how hectic things really get.


This year, however, Dialog New Media was bringing me in as part of a team to cover CPAC as it occurred. In addition, I was running the CPAC Red Carpet Blogger Awards and doing a Social Media Mastery panel for The Tea while I was also booking a private get-together for Jim DeMint to promote his new book Now or Never: Saving America from Economic Collapse.

I was actually wondering if I was taking on a little too much for the event and um, yeah, the answer to that question turned out to be “yes.”

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