Enough with the "appeasement" attacks on Obama

Romney and Co. accuse Obama of allowing Iran to proceed toward getting nuclear weapons — without noting that much of Iran’s progress came under Bush, or that his sanctions are tighter than those of his predecessor. Nor do Republicans mention that under Bush, North Korea carried out its first nuclear detonation.


Santorum says Obama is even “refusing to do anything covertly” to stop Iran from getting nukes. Really? How would he know? Has he not heard about the untimely deaths of Iranian nuclear scientists or the mysterious computer virus (reportedly a U.S.-Israeli project) that destroyed hundreds of its nuclear centrifuges?

The Romney campaign faults the administration for “bowing to Chinese pressure and refusing to sell F-16s to Taiwan.” But Obama did increase U.S. arms shipments to the Taiwanese, including Patriot missiles and Blackhawk helicopters.

And guess who else declined to sell them F-16s? George W. Bush. You know — the guy who apologized to Beijing.

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