Ron Paul's House record stands out for its tenacity, and futility

The passage of H.R. 2121, in fall 2009, unfolded without drama. It allowed for the sale of a custom house in Galveston, Tex. The House debate took two minutes, and the vote took eight seconds. The ayes had it.


But something historic was happening. On his 482nd try, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) had authored a bill that would become law.

Paul has become a surprising force in the GOP presidential race, promising to use “the bully pulpit of the presidency” to push deep cutbacks across government. But Paul has had only limited success using his current pulpit — a seat in Congress — to rally lawmakers behind his ideas.

Of the 620 measures that Paul has sponsored, just four have made it to a vote on the House floor. Only that one has been signed into law…

During Paul’s years in office, only 4 percent of all the more than 69,000 bills filed by House members have become law.

But Paul’s record stands out for its futility. His lifetime success rate: about 0.2 percent.

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