Rifts developing within Libyan rebel leadership

The opposition has said its soldiers have started to receive better training and clearer leadership. But a day after the strike, the interim government sought to distance itself from a popular army commander it had earlier embraced.


Khalifa Haftar, a former army colonel who recently returned to Libya after living for many years in Falls Church, was initially hailed by the Transitional National Council as a leader who could help discipline the new army and train its largely volunteer ranks.

But Saturday, Ghoga said Haftar had no leadership role in the army…

However, a source within the military who is close to Haftar said Haftar is still commanding the army, and that Ghoga’s announcement had upset the public.

“Because of that, today Benghazi is upside down,” the source said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue. “They are saying Ghoga has to go. The people, they want Haftar. No one can take him away from the army, or from our hearts.”

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