$5,000 an hour for new Japanese nuke workers?

“The working time would be less than an hour, so in fact it was 200,000 yen an hour, but the risk was too big.”

Ryuta Fujita, a 27-year-old worker also from Iwaki, said he was offered twice that amount as hazard duty pay to venture into Fukushima Dai-ichi’s Reactor 2…


“I hear that guys older than 50 are being hired at high pay,” Fujita told the Tokyo Shimbun newspaper. “But I’m still young, and radiation scares me. I don’t want to work in a nuclear plant again.”

The reluctance of workers to enter the stricken plant highlights one of TEPCO’s basic dilemmas — it can’t get people close enough to see if its efforts to cool fuel rods are working; indeed, to confirm what the exact problems are in the first place.

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