Commonly known as “Get Out The Vote” weekend (GOTV), college political groups typically spend the waning days before elections volunteering at phone banks and knocking on doors, a free service that many candidates find crucial to last-minute campaigning. But a few campaigns could lose a chunk of their infantry on Oct. 30, when Stewart and Colbert plan to hold massive rallies that promise to draw thousands of young people to the capital city.
The College Democrats of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, for instance, are planning to send a busload of students to Washington for the rallies. Students in the group, which includes about 50-75 active members, have been campaigning for candidates around Baltimore but plan to take the day off Saturday to make the trip…
Although it is almost certain that there will be Republican college students attending the rally, no College Republican clubs will officially be sending groups to the rallies, a spokesman from the College Republican National Committee told The Daily Caller.
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