It pains me to say it, but we must vote against the Tories

If you now endorse the Cameron Tory Party, you will destroy all real hope of change for the better.

I assume here that my readers mostly agree with me about what this country needs. It needs its independence back, so it can make its own laws and control its own coasts and territorial seas, its armed forces, its foreign policy – like a proper nation.


It needs to regain control of its borders and end the mass immigration which is neither necessary nor good.

It needs to stop the destruction of the married family and the undermining of adult authority.

It needs to use the law to restrain the grotesque abuse of alcohol and the dangerous spread of drugs.

It needs to restore the idea that crime and disorder should be prevented by a police force patrolling on foot – and where that fails, the criminals should be punished in austere and ­disciplined prisons.

It needs schools which teach proper subjects in orderly and peaceful classrooms.

It needs to shrink and reform a grotesque, unjust welfare state which rewards sloth and neglects the truly poor.

It needs – urgently – to defeat the politically correct fundamentalist zealots, who sneer ‘Bigot!’ at anyone who dares defend the reasonable beliefs and opinions which were normal a generation ago.

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