But she didn’t abandon her neocon or family-values convictions. As Paul spoke passionately about ending all military operations and keeping government out of people’s “lifestyles,” a lone heckler began to shout, “Tell her!” Bachmann remained serene, hands folded in her lap, facing Paul. Bringing up Obama’s announcement that Iran had secret underground nuclear facilities, Paul announced that he had had enough of “fear-mongering” for the sake of the “military-industrial complex.” Bachmann, who once advocated nuking Iran, kept her eyes trained on Paul as her heckler repeated, “Tell her! Tell Michele! Tell her!”…
When my turn came I asked about the census taker’s death. Paul stood still and looked at me, silent for a moment, then said, “I am against violence.” I then asked: “Do you worry that you might inspire your more radical followers to violence?”
Like clockwork, a man in a hunting jacket descended on me and began to yell. “You think the Constitution is radical? You think my rights are radical? How can you even ask that, you stupid, stupid—” Ron Paul ignored the sputtering man, repeating, “I am against violence.” He paused a moment, then moved on.
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