In the Aug. 6 edition of the Las Vegas Sun, readers saw an op-ed by Harry Reid. “I have never taken up the Washington hobby of pointing fingers for political gain,” reassured Nevada’s eminently reasonable, bipartisan, four-term senator.
A few hours later, Mr. Reid appeared for the national press, armed with a piece of Astroturf, to berate town-hall protestors as captive to “Internet rumor mongers and insurance rackets.” The Republican Party “is run by a talk-show host,” snapped Washington’s eminently angry and partisan majority leader.
Welcome to Mr. Reid’s bipolar world, which isn’t about to fuse any time soon…
The majority leader’s problem is that Nevadans watch the national news, too. They know him as the guy who pushed through a $787 billion stimulus, only to watch the state’s unemployment rate push 13%. He’s the guy who, far from creating jobs, has pushed Big Labor’s priority of “card check”—despised by the state business community. He’s a public face for President Obama’s health plan, which a recent poll shows that at least half the state opposes. As the Las Vegas Sun put it recently, the biggest complaint from residents is: “Harry Reid, Too Liberal for Nevada.”
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