The Democrats are insisting that their version of a “co-op” wouldn’t be government-run health care, but I ran Medicare and Medicaid as secretary of Health and Human Services, and I know this isn’t true. When Washington provides the money, names the directors and ultimately pays the bills, government controls health care. Lobbyists will lobby, Congress will respond, and bureaucrats will decide who gets care, what drugs are prescribed, what procedures are covered, and how much money providers can charge. This is true for Medicare, it’s true for Medicaid, and it would be true of Mr. Conrad’s “co-ops.”…
The Democrats are getting worried that the Trojan Horse they have offered in the form of a “public option” has been spotted for what it is. So now they are looking for a new way to get government-run health care through the gates.
Let none of us be co-opted by their latest ploy.
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