It’s funny how these supposed champions of the Enlightenment can’t grasp that people can disagree with them for honest reasons. Instead, we simply must be Limbaugh’s automatons, which is to say racist, fascist thugs.
In addition to the slander, such complaints are monumentally, incandescently lame coming from a party that controls Washington. Indeed, according to liberals themselves, these evil-mongers are a tiny minority, a bunch of “Astro Turf” frauds. So why not ignore them and get on with the work you were elected to do?…
Suspicion of bad motives are only reinforced by Obama’s determination to steamroll to victory. Indeed, Democratic dudgeon that the town hall protesters don’t want the civil debate we desperately need is hysterical, given that Obama wanted this over before the August recess. No wonder the president who thought the time for talk was over long ago now doesn’t like the talk he’s getting…
Obama wants the debate to be about angry white men. And, as lame as that is, that’s what’s happening. It won’t make Obama-care a reality, but it will shift the blame from where it rightly belongs.
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