
If Joe Biden can lie about going to church while talking in church, what won’t he lie about?

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

It’s been quite a week for Joe Biden and the Democrats this past week, and the atmospheric river of political trouble shows no sign of abating anytime soon.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Thursday tried to pour concrete over the blossoming Biden Garagegate scandal, proclaiming no less than six times that the search for more classified documents squirreled away in Biden’s Delaware home was complete, and this scandal wouldn’t get worse.

It’s gotten worse.

More documents have been discovered by Biden lawyers who didn’t have security clearances, and that was after the Special Counsel was named, who hadn’t authorized the search for documents to continue. In short, it’s a debacle. And on the scale from one to ten, the way legacy media has covered it compared to the way they covered the raiding of Mar-A-Lago dials the hypocrisy up to a robust Spinal Tap-esque eleven.

In particular, it was splendid to see 1/6 Committee heroes Adam Schiff and Jamie Raskin making the rounds on the Sunday shows, all of a sudden rediscovering their inner skepticism and cautioning about rushing to judgment. Here’s just a sample


Keep in mind neither of these two gentlemen reserved judgment when it came to voting to impeach Donald Trump twice or spending the better part of the last two years wasting time on the January 6th Committee. Now, they want to sit back and take a wait and see approach. No need to make snap decisions based on what’s coming out in the news for these two.

Biden, meanwhile, was down in Atlanta over the weekend, and spoke at famed Ebenezer Baptist Church, which was the pulpit that brought us both Dr. Martin Luther King and later Senator/slum lord Raphael Warnock.

In his sermon, Biden once again crossed the threshold into autobiographical fantasy by making the following statement.

No, he didn’t. And if it pleases the court, your honor, I’d like to call my first witness to debunk that claim – Joe Biden.

He didn’t march. He wasn’t an activist. He was a white lifeguard at a mostly-black city pool. He just lied in church from the pulpit. He wasn’t done.

No, Andy doesn’t know this. Nobody outside of the voices in Joe Biden’s head know this, because it’s not true.

Alana Goodman wrote about this in the Washington Free Beacon over two years ago when Joe Biden offered this story up on the presidential campaign trail. And it wasn’t true when he said it then, either.

On the campaign trail, Joe Biden has talked frequently about his early years in the civil rights movement. As a teenager, he says, he regularly attended a black church in Wilmington, Del., where he was involved in organizing anti-segregation protests in the early 1960s.

“I got raised in the black church,” Biden said in a speech to Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH coalition last year. “We would go sit in Rev. Herring’s church, sit there before we’d go out, and try to change things when I was a kid in college and in high school.”

The church Biden referenced, Union Baptist Church, was a prominent African-American church in Wilmington run by Rev. Otis Herring, an acclaimed pastor who passed away in 1996. But Biden has made comments that seem to contradict the account. When reporters questioned Biden’s claim in 1987 that he marched in the civil rights movement, he acknowledged that he “wasn’t an activist” and that his most significant experience with civil rights as a youth was when he worked at a majority-black swimming pool as a college sophomore in 1962.

Now, interviews with long-time church members are raising questions about his story. Biden befriended Herring as an adult, they say, but they do not recall him attending the church as a teenager.

Phyllis Drummond, Herring’s longtime assistant who attended Union Baptist for 39 years, said she was not involved with the church in the early 1960s but does not think Biden attended at that time. “No. Not at our building. I think he was probably in Claymont, [Del.,] [or] in Pennsylvania then,” Drummond told the Washington Free Beacon.

Biden himself was quoted in the Wilmington Morning News in 1987 as saying that he, “didn’t know any black people,” that is until he started working at the aforementioned pool.

Shaun King, who is very much a lefty activist, co-founder of the Real Justice PAC, and a leader in the Black Lives Matter movement, wrote a lengthy substack about this particular Biden claim back in January of 2020.

Because Joe Biden did not actually do what he’s saying in this video, or in other videos – waking up early as a 17 year old high school senior to go to the 7:30AM Catholic mass so that he could then go to a local Black church for their 10AM church service to be trained for the Civil Rights Movement – he has absolutely no idea just how foolish this sounds. In 1960, during the Civil Rights Movement, even in the Deep South, even in churches pastored by Dr. King himself, Sunday morning was not at all like a Monday night planning meeting or strategy session. Sunday mornings were sacred religious moments of prayer, song, praise, offering, sermon, and invitation. Even during the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Sunday morning services were almost exclusively religious in nature. They weren’t brainstorming sessions, as Biden describes, where Black folk and their white friend named Joe would decide where they’d go desegregate next.

Apparently itching for another scandal to end yet another presidential campaign, Biden continued his lies again – this time at a special service at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Columbia, South Carolina on this past January 20th, 2020. Each time he tells these lies he appears to be abandoning his script and adding new layers of lies on top of the old ones.

The Reverend Herring he speaks of there is the late legendary Reverend Otis Herring of Union Baptist Church in Wilmington. Other times this year when Biden tells this story he says he’d leave mass and go to the late Reverend Maurice Moyer’s church. I spoke to former members of their churches, as well as people close to both families. Neither [of these] stories are true. Joe Biden met both of these men much later in life and only learned about their great work in retrospect. Reverends Herring and Moyer were revered in Delaware and Joe Biden is abusing their names and deaths by falsely claiming they were his mentors in 1960. They were not. Four different people in Wilmington expressed to me that these claims of Biden are so outrageous and dishonest that it caused them to truly worry for his mental health.

This past week in Iowa Biden went so far as to say he “was raised in the Black church.” It’s about as absurd of a claim as a person running for President has ever made. Again, I must remind you that he has never mentioned any of this for his entire life.

This list of lies Joe Biden has told about his own bio are as numerous as the red flags on Eric Swalwell’s security clearance background check. But there’s something extra special about a guy that will go into the well of a house of God and lie about having attended another house of God when it’s been demonstrated repeatedly that he didn’t, and and that virtually everyone interested on both sides of the political aisle knows he’s lying about it. It begs the question – what won’t Joe Biden lie about?

And that brings us back to the document scandal and why it should be worse for Biden. It’s no big deal, Joe Biden initially claimed. That was a lie. It was inadvertent, his administration later said. Also a lie, especially when documents have been shown to have been divided and placed in different rooms all around the house and garage. It’s all been turned over to the proper authorities was the operational phrase as late as Thursday night. Another lie, since we keep learning almost every day that there’s more found.

Remember the old Watergate adage – it’s never the crime, but the cover-up that gets people in so much trouble? The problem with Biden is when he and his team proclaim there’s no cover-up, that they’re being fully transparent, is that they’ve issued such a blizzard of prevarication on not only this scandal but virtually every aspect of Joe Biden’s own life, no one believes them anymore.

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