Limbaugh: "I live rent-free" in President Obama's head

While the news of the several latest scandalous abuses of administrative authority was crashing wave-on-wave upon the White House on Monday afternoon, President Obama was otherwise occupied with wining and dining at big-money DNC fundraisers in New York City. Hardly ever absent from the program of his fundraising appearances, of course, are the usual denunciations of the “hyper-partisanship” plaguing Washington and the lamentations concerning the degree to which the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune are preventing him from governing properly — and outrageous misfortune, thy name is Rush Limbaugh. As Allahpundit pointed out yesterday, it’s yet another recycled talking point among the Obama crowd, but Limbaugh had a few follow-up words this afternoon. The Free Beacon grabbed the audio:


He simply cannot get me off his mind. I live rent free in his head. And he is using me as his convenient excuse for not being able to get anything done. He really thinks the Republicans would work with him if it weren’t for me. So he’s telling these Hollywood people — and you gotta understand, they’re sitting there and they’re very sympathetic, and they love Obama, and they want Obama to succeed. I’m the guy who said, “I hope he fails.” So Obama’s sitting there and he’s telling these Hollywood people, “You know, this Limbaugh guy, this Limbaugh guy… If it weren’t for this Limbaugh guy, Good Lord, look what I could get done!” … Now, let’s be honest, folks. Who am I? I’m a guy on the radio. I am your beloved host, El Rushbo. I’m a guy on the radio. The fact remains that the truth of the matter is, by his own admission, I am the opposition to Barack Obama.


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