The coming California supermajority?

Tuesday was a good night for Democrats everywhere, and particularly in California — long gone are the good ol’ days when the state went reliably red in the presidential race. The Golden State has finally succeeded in bucking a heap of Republicans out of office, and, though votes are still being counted, it looks like it’s just about set to govern with the Democratic supermajority of its most progressive fantasies. From the AP:


The nation’s most populous state – home to 1 in 8 Americans – has entered a period of Democratic political control so far-reaching that the dwindling number of Republicans in the Legislature are in danger of becoming mere spectators at the statehouse.

Democrats hold the governorship and every other statewide office. They gained even more ground in Tuesday’s elections, picking up at least three congressional seats while votes continue to be counted in two other tight races – in one upset, Democrat Raul Ruiz, a Harvard-educated physician who mobilized a district’s growing swath of Hispanic voters, pushed out longtime Republican Rep. Mary Bono Mack.

The party also secured a supermajority in one, and possibly both, chambers in the Legislature. …

California counted more registered Republicans in 1988 than it does today, although the population has grown by about 10 million over that time.

Yikes — that’s gotta’ feel like a “why bother?” for California Republicans. The state government is facing a whole mess of incoming problems: A budget crisis and state debt more than double that of any other, massive unfunded pension liabilities, growing university tuition costs, the worst S&P credit rating of any state, a double-digit unemployment rate… it’s not pretty.


And how, pray tell, might we suppose the liberals will attempt to deal with their glaring problems? The state already succeeded in passing a ‘temporary’ $6 billion tax hike as a ballot proposition on Tuesday, and here’s betting we’ll see more ‘solutions’ in that vein, via the WSJ:

The state has also borrowed $10 billion from Uncle Sam to pay for jobless benefits and $313 million this year from the state disability insurance trust fund for debt service on those federal loans. Democrats have proposed replenishing the state’s barren unemployment insurance trust fund by raising payroll taxes on employers. Expect that to happen now. …

With no GOP restraint, liberals can now raise taxes to pay for all this. They’ll probably start by repealing Proposition 13’s tax cap for commercial property. Democrats in the Assembly held hearings on the idea this spring. Then they’ll try to make it easier for cities to raise taxes.

The greens want an oil severance tax. Other Democrats want to extend the sales tax to services, supposedly in return for a lower rate, but don’t expect any “reform” to be revenue neutral. Look for huge union pay raises and higher pension benefits.


Well, this will certainly be quite the example of no-holds-barred liberal governance — if I lived in California, I would be seriously reconsidering my residence right about now.

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