Great News: Dennis Prager To Return to Radio

Courtesy of Ed Morrissey, Managing Editor of HotAir

As a fan, an admirer, a colleague, and hopefully a friend of Dennis Prager, I cannot express my delight at this news in strong enough terms. After a terrible accident at home in November, Salem Radio has missed Dennis' wisdom, perspective, and grounded analysis -- and I think America has missed it as well. We have had fine replacements work in his stead in the meantime, but I and we have felt Dennis' absence keenly.


Today, however, we have two great pieces of news from our parent company, Salem Media Group. First, Charlie Kirk will permanently move into the noon-2 pm ET slot that he has admirably filled for Dennis, and the current arrangement with Jack Posobiec for the third hour will continue until the beginning of June. 

And then Dennis will return for an hour each day, starting on June 3rd:

Salem Media Group, Inc (OTCQX: SALM) announced today that Salem Radio Network host Charlie Kirk has agreed to move onto the Dennis Prager affiliate stations, effective Monday, March 31st. Charlie Kirk has been doing his show in the same Noon to 3pm ET daypart as Dennis Prager since October of 2020. Today Charlie is on 195 radio stations, with 500 total affiliates across the country. Since both Charlie and Dennis have aired live in the Noon to 3pm ET daypart, it will be an easy transition for most stations. Dennis suffered a debilitating injury last November when he fell in his home and suffered a spinal cord injury.

Dennis is going through extensive rehabilitation because of the injury, and Salem wishes him a complete and full recovery. With that in mind, Dennis and Salem have agreed on his return for one hour a day, airing 2-3pm ET, starting Tuesday, June 3rd.

“Dennis may have some physical limitations at the moment, but his wit, wisdom, insights and passion are as strong and as clear as ever and we are delighted at his spirit and resolve to return to his audience,” said Salem Senior VP of Spoken Word, Phil Boyce. “We want Dennis to remain a part of the Salem family and want his millions of loyal fans to continue to hear his voice. Affiliates of Charlie will continue to get the Kirk show with no interruption, and affiliates of Dennis will soon get Charlie Kirk as a strong and able replacement.”

From now until June 3rd, Salem will continue to use Jack Posobiec as the substitute host in the third hour for Charlie Kirk and Dennis Prager affiliates. Posobiec is a podcast sensation, with over 3.1 million followers on X. Dennis will take over that hour and return to his seat as a national radio talk show host. He will continue with his insight and wisdom on the day’s top issues, as well as his passion for “The Happiness Hour” and “The Male Female Hour.”


We receive requests on a regular basis about Dennis' status. For obvious reasons of privacy, we generally aren't given updates except those made publicly by Dennis' family and our home office. Dennis is still rehabbing, but we know that his voice is back and his acumen and intellectual power have not been impacted at all by his accident. 

Congratulations should go to Charlie, too, who has become a mainstay in the Salem Radio line-up. Charlie does a great job connecting to young voters and listeners, which comes as no surprise from the founder of Turning Point USA. His activism there and engagement with young voters fill a gap that has always existed on the Right, and which became critical to the electoral successes of Donald Trump last fall.

But of course, having known Dennis personally and worked with him on several occasions, I'm most excited by the news of his return. His wisdom and his personal graciousness have impacted me greatly over the years, and I can't wait to have it return for everyone. 

Stay tuned, indeed.

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