Will anyone feel even a smidgen of surprise to find out this story comes from Fairfax County, Virginia? Part of the DC suburbs that keeps Virginia (mostly) blue?
One public school has decided to use Women’s History Month as an opportunity to teach its students their ABCs. Oddly, the teachers at West Springfield High School seems to think their students need help in this area, perhaps a result of the quality of education in Fairfax’s elementary and middle schools. Fairfax mother and Independent Women’s Network chapter leader Stephanie Lundquist-Arora reports at the Daily Signal that teachers at WSHS have gone all out on progressive indoctrination through an alphabet lesson:
The display, titled “The ABCs to ME,” is decorated with the school’s colors: a blue background lined with an orange border. Featured in the display is a sign that reads, “A is for Abortion” with an image of a coat hanger with a positive pregnancy test.
First questions first. Why do progressive activists treat everyone like idiots? Can you imagine what these teens think about having an ABCs display of any kind in their high school? It’s an early lesson in infantilization and the humiliation that it’s designed to impose. If teachers in this school district are using ABC explainers with students after that many years of Fairfax instruction, it’s a great argument for home schooling and/or voucher programs.
Of course, this display is itself a good argument for home schooling and/or vouchers as an escape from indocrination. Don’t think for a moment that Woke Instruction ends at ‘A’, either. It goes literally from A to Z with its condescending and tendentious lecturing on radical values. For instance, H is for hope — and guess who the chart promotes? Not Michelle Obama, but even worse, Kamala Harris, who just dashed Democrat hopes for clinging to power. Harris also hilariously shows up again at L for ‘leadership,’ even though Harris led Democrats to an ignominious defeat. L also includes Mrs. Obama as well as — wait for it — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a House backbencher.
In between is “J,” and, well … I can’t even:
The alphabet display further informs that “J is for Justice.” The accompanying image is of the Statue of Liberty holding a female sign in place of a torch, with her other fist in the air. Lady Liberty is surrounded by the Palestinian flag, Ukrainian flag, and transgender flag.
“Wait,”I hear you say. What do ‘Palestine’ and Ukraine have to do with “Women’s History Month”? In fact, what do they have to do with women generally, other than the fact that women live there ... like every other place on Earth? “Silly readers,” I retort, “nothing at all! Women’s History Month is just an excuse for didactics on The Struggle!” Please try to keep up, class.
“But Mr. Ed,” you respond, “shouldn’t the transgender flag be for ’T’?”
Almost, class! Almost:
To that end, West Springfield’s students cannot escape the notoriously liberal history corridor without noting that “T is for Trans Women.” The sign displays a transgender flag heart inside the circle of the symbol for a female.
Please don’t forget that T is not for all transgenders. It’s not for women who believe themselves to be male, not even in a month dedicated to the history of women. It’s only for males who want to co-opt womanhood. Women’s History Month is really all about the men, after all. We even get the last word:
And to cap it all off, “Z is for male gaZe,” just proving to us once again, in case the poor test scores are not enough, that leftist education is more about indoctrination.
Someone will need to put some ice on that stretch. It’s practically a dislocation. Looks like the teacher’s union in Fairfax couldn’t come up with a legit Z word relating to progressive objectives. No ‘Zaftig’ for body positivity? ‘Zeal’ featuring female Antifa terrorists? ‘Zenith’ to describe all of these peaked-in-high-school activists running this show? Since they lack creativity, they chose instead to demean the teenage boys at WSHS for being, well, boys.
What is the team name for West Springfield High School? The Cringers?
Needless to say, this is simply an appalling abuse of power by the teachers and administrators of this Fairfax school and the district. It’s pure politicking and ideological indoctrination, not education. It is, however, a clear example of why public schools have delivered more illiteracy and lower test scores over the last several decades of allowing federal tax dollars to control education in the US. Time to bring it all down, and long past time to allow parents to use their educational dollars to ensure a real education for their children through full school choice.
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