Don’t miss today’s tremendous live, interactive VIP Gold chat at 1:30 pm ET with Bearing Arms’ Cam Edwards and HotAir’s Ed Morrissey! The duo will take VIP Gold members’ questions and comments and give an in-depth analysis of the top topics of the day.
While Cam brings his A-game on 2nd Amendment and liberty issues and makes sure to keep it real along the way, Ed keeps pace with developments abroad, at home, and at the local level as well.
We’ll have plenty to discuss and lots of time to take your questions. The hot topics may include:
A good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy within 15 seconds. In a gun-free zone, no less. We’ll discuss the Greenwood Park Mall shooting and its aftermath.
Plus, we’ll discuss the media response, which is hardly going to surprise anyone.
House Democrat pays a blogger who blasts Latina Republican as “Miss Frijoles,” and worse. NBC News was on the story, and … that was about it.
Which again won’t surprise anyone.
We’ll also talk about the White House’s conflicting messaging on gas prices, inflation, fist bumps, and more!