
VIP Gold Chat: Cam Edwards, Ed Morrissey, and Julio Rosas today! - Replay Available

Get ready for another tremendous live, interactive VIP Gold chat with Townhall’s Julio Rosas, Bearing Arms’ Cam Edwards, and HotAir’s Ed Morrissey! The trio will take VIP Gold members’ questions and comments and give an in-depth analysis of the top topics of the day. The live podcast starts at 12:30 pm ET.

If you are not a VIP Gold member, join below so you can watch today and participate in future chats! Use LOYALTY for 25% off!

Julio watches out for nat-sec developments at Townhall, while Cam brings his A-game on 2nd Amendment and liberty issues and makes sure to keep it real along the way. Ed has kept pace with developments abroad, at home and at the local level as well.

We’ll plenty to discuss and lots of time to take your questions. The hot topics so far are:

  • Julio’s first-person reporting on riots and unrest
  • Gun sales skyrocketing
  • Atlanta’s crime wave
  • COVID-19 developments, and economic meltdown
  • The 2020 national election

With all the fast-moving developments, our VIP Gold members can get the latest as it happens from Cam, Julio, and Ed.

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