Today's hot topics on Relevant Radio®: Vatican summit, Truth and Beauty, Little Sisters update, Muthana lawsuit, movie madness, and more!

Once again, I get to step outside the box and guest host the Drew Mariani Show on Relevant Radio® from 3-6 ET today! The Catholic talk-radio network is heard nationwide on the air, as well as online and through their free mobile app that plays live and podcast shows.


Today’s Relevant Radio® show includes:

  • What is the latest from the Vatican summit on sexual abuse scandals? Veteran Vaticanista and Wall Street Journal reporter Francis X. Rocca joins us from Rome to discuss developments, and also look at the complicated nature of the problem in Poland.
  • How can we promote truth and beauty in the Catholic Church in the modern age? Relevant Radio®’s Rome correspondent Ashley Noronha and her husband John discuss their new Truth and Beauty Project and how we can participate in it. Can we find the next digital Michelangelo?
  • This year the Little Sisters of the Poor celebrate their 150th anniversary. Sisters Carolyn Martin and Ann Marguerite will talk about their work in Chicago, their surprising notoriety in the national debate on health care, and how we can support them in their mission.
  • Should the US allow a former ISIS bride and terrorist to return home — even if she’s not technically a US citizen? Charles “Cully” Stimson from the Heritage Foundation will help us understand the legal issues involved in the dispute over Hoda Muthana’s citizenship, and what the best course of action might be.
  • The Oscars will take place on Sunday. What’s the latest news and gossip, and how will going without a host turn out? We’ll ask Christian Toto of Hollywood in Toto these questions and take a peek at how Hollywood is handling the Jussie Smollett case.
  • And more to come … stay tuned!

We may add more before the show starts today, plus we will have the chaplet of Divine Mercy in the second hour. We will also take your calls at 1-888-914-9149You can also listen on the Relevant Radio app no matter where you are in the world, so download it now. I’ll look forward to talking with you!

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