Tuesday TEMS: Andrew Malcolm, John Hawkins, Salena Zito

Today on The Ed Morrissey Show (4 pm ET), we have another great lineup for the news of the day! The show will be streamed on Hot Air’s Facebook page and embedded here and on the show page for those who are not on Facebook. (If it’s muted, right-click the video and choose Unmute.) Join us as we welcome:


  • Andrew Malcolm joins us for Tuesdays with Andrew! The Prince of Twitter and I will discuss all of the hot political stories of the day. Can Trump get major changes in NAFTA? Andrew says “good luck” in his latest McClatchy DC column, and we’ll talk more about that too.
  • Our Salem colleague John Hawkins has a brand-new book out, 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know. We’ll go through a few of them today when John joins us to discuss it!
  • The Washington Examiner’s Salena Zito joins us to discuss her recent interview with President Trump, and the media coverage of it afterward. What did Keith Olbermann think? Find out at 4 ET!

The Ed Morrissey Show and its dynamic chatroom can be seen on the permanent TEMS page. Be sure to join us, and don’t forget to keep up with the debate on my Facebook page, too!

How can Republicans and conservatives keep the momentum going? Find out in GOING REDpublished in April from Crown Forum!

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | September 06, 2024