Thursday TEMS: Duane Patterson, more

Today on The Ed Morrissey Show (4 pm ET), we have another great lineup for the news of the day! The show will be streamed on Hot Air’s Facebook page as well as on our Ustream channel. Join us as we welcome:

  • Duane “Generalissimo” Patterson brings us up to date on the week’s top stories and gives us a preview of tonight’s Hugh Hewitt show.
  • I’ll do a Face the Chat/Face the Facebook commenters to discuss the meeting between leading conservatives and Facebook’s management. Be sure to weigh in!
  • Other guests may be pending, so stay tuned!

Live streaming video by Ustream

The Ed Morrissey Show and its dynamic chatroom can be seen on the permanent TEMS page. Be sure to join us, and don’t forget to keep up with the debate on my Facebook page, too!

How can Republicans and conservatives win the 2016 election, and fix what went wrong in 2012? Find out in GOING REDpublished in April from Crown Forum!

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