Today on The Ed Morrissey Show (4 pm ET), we have another great lineup for the news of the day!
- Andrew Malcolm joins us for Tuesdays with Andrew! The Prince of Twitter and I will discuss all of the hot political stories of the day.
- Salena Zito returns from the campaign trail to talk about last night’s Donald Trump rally, the Bernie Sanders momentum, Hillary Clinton’s fall from grace with women, and cool cowboy boots … not necessarily in that order.
- Ryan Anderson, author of the recent book Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom, discusses the Kim Davis standoff and what the real problem is in Rowan County, Kentucky.
The Ed Morrissey Show and its dynamic chatroom can be seen on the permanent TEMS page. Be sure to join us, and don’t forget to keep up with the debate on my Facebook page, too!
Want to share a little in my adventures in Rome, covering the Synod? I have a new e-book of my pictures available through Blurb — over 270 photographs taken in and around Rome. It’s on sale for $1.99. A hardbound print version is also available through Blurb.
Want to get away in December? Join me at Bullets & Bourbon, a great retreat weekend to celebrate our Second Amendment rights. Bullets & Bourbon is a four day program on the Second Amendment at a luxurious hunting and shooting lodge outside of Dallas featuring new media superstars Glenn Reynolds, Dana Loesch, Ed Morrissey and several other noted speakers. It’s the first event by start-up company Full Digital Jacket, LLC. It’s a great way to meet and interact with your favorite New Media stars. And, well … me too.
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