Wednesday TEMS: Guest hosting for Relevant Radio

Today I get to step outside the box a bit again, and guest-host for Drew Mariani at Relevant Radio! The Catholic talk-radio network has 34 stations, both O&O and affiliates, as well as an webstream and an app that plays live and podcasted shows. Today’s show includes:

  • Salena Zito will discuss today’s news, and the changing temperament of the electorate. Do Washington’s red/blue games matter outside the Beltway?
  • Today is the Solemnity of the Annunciation. Steve Ray joins us to discuss the meaning of this church commemoration, plus we’ll talk about my pilgrimage, which included the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth.
  • Brian Gibson from Pro-Life Action Ministries discusses the Jericho March at the Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Paul.
  • We’ll also discuss Yemen and the dramatic reversals taking place theere.
  • And more!

We may add more before the show starts today, plus we will have an abbreviated and pre-recorded version of Drew’s chaplet of Divine Mercy. We will also take your calls at 1-877-766-3777You can also listen on the Relevant Radio app no matter where you are in the world, so download it now. I’ll look forward to talking with you!

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