Video: Santorum team oddly stoked about their prospects tonight

Keep this in mind while looking at the results tonight. Rick Santorum’s state co-chairs Bill Cahill and Dan Tamburello aren’t trying to sell the idea that their candidate will shock the world with a win in the Granite State tonight. They concede that Romney will win, although they argue that the margin of victory will be critical. “A good showing for Romney is above 40%,” Tamburello told me. “If he falls below 30%, he’s on life support.”  As for their own candidate, the two say that a finish in the money would be a very big deal for Santorum, especially in momentum heading into South Carolina.  “A third place finish would be fabulous,” Cahill says when I ask him about expectations for tonight.  And it’s not entirely out of the question; the Rasmussen poll showed a margin-of-error virtual tie for second place among four candidates, including Santorum, and the Suffolk poll showed him in fourth.


So will tonight be a celebration for Santorum in the show or even place position in this horse race?  I don’t know … but I think I’ll hang out at their party tonight to find outt.

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