Buffett: Corporate-jet demagoguery is nonsense

Via Verum Serum, this actually goes back almost two weeks, but it’s worth the time.  Barack Obama supporter Warren Buffett, one of the wealthiest men in the world and a believer in redistributionism, seems to draw the line at demonizing corporate-jet owners. Why is a corporate jet any different than, say, a corporate locomotive — or any other corporate-owned transportation? Congress passed a rule allowing for 100% depreciation in the first year for all capital purchases in order to stimulate manufacturing and sales, a rule that applies to more than just corporate jets. Buffett balks at calling Obama’s demagoguery “political theater,” but the implication is rather clear:


Besides, if corporate-jet ownership breaks are the bane of fiscal responsibility as Obama keeps alleging, then why are Democrats spending $7.5 million in Rep. Zoe Lofgren’s district to expand an airport for … corporate jets?

U.S. Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose) on Wednesday announced that Mineta San Jose International Airport has secured a $7.49 million grant from the Federal Aviation Administration to help pay for the next phase of a new taxiway extension on the airport’s west side.

The Taxiway W project is expected to enhance the safety of general aviation aircraft and further reduce the risk of accidents on the airfield. This is the third of a five-phase plan to complete the new taxiway that also will help support the future development of the airport’s west side for general and corporate aviation activities.

And that $7.5 million is just a down payment, apparently:

The remainder of Taxiway W will be built over the next several years, contingent on federal funding. The total project cost is about $55 million.


Gee — I wonder how much of that will come from Lofgren’s federal pork trough?

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | September 06, 2024