Jim Geraghty calls this the “Chuck Norris of party committee created web videos,” and it’s difficult to disagree. The NRSC simply puts together Barack Obama’s words on leadership from his press conference and matches them with visual evidence that refutes his claim that “I’ve been here” while the budget crisis continues. He’s been everywhere but “here,” and the graphic that shows 149 fundraisers is especially damaging:
That will leave a mark, I think, and not just because it shows Obama as being more than a little hypocritical in his “leaders lead” scolding. Unlike other web videos launched by the NRSC, NRCC, and RNC this year, this spot comes in at just over 30 seconds. With only a slight bit of editing, this ad could easily air on television, perhaps this summer as we approach the debt ceiling deadline set by the White House. Maybe the NRSC can buy some ad time during weekend golf shows?
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