Bachmann: ObamaCare is crown jewel of socialism

The other day, I wrote a post title that inadvertently left off “Care” from ObamaCare, which resulted in a headline that stated that “Repealing Obama [is] the first step to fiscal sanity.” Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) made that argument a little more explicit in remarks yesterday to the House in which she called for the repeal of “this President.” In her speech, she once again referred to the health-care bill as the “crown jewel of socialism,” and warned Democrats that Republicans intend to fulfill their midterm mandate (via Real Clear Politics):


As Allahpundit pointed out last night in relation to Steve Cohen’s accusation of Goebbels-like behavior from the GOP, it’s more like a crown jewel of stealth socialism.  The government will force insurers into state-run exchanges, ostensibly for the purpose of combining the buying power of individual consumers in the insurance market, but actually to dictate narrow limits on policy choices.  That, combined with other costly mandates, will eventually force insurers out of business.  The public option was proposed initially to accelerate that process through unfair competition — government has no profit motive and no subsequent need to contain costs or achieve competitive efficiency — but its elimination will only prolong the process of bankrupting insurers or making their products so expensive that few will be able to afford them.

Either way, the public option will return, as ObamaCare is designed to have the government crowd out the private insurers.  The end game with ObamaCare in place will be a nationalized health-care system, which is why it’s important to stop it before that crowd-out process begins.  And eventually, that effort requires a “repeal” of Obama himself through a successful Republican challenge in 2012.


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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | September 06, 2024