Video: The Grinch that stole ...

We’re just a couple of days from Christmas, so this is the time to watch all of the old classic Christmas specials we loved as children. There’s A Charlie Brown Christmas, where we learn that exhaling results in warmer weather, which means fewer Christmas trees and those that survive will barely look the part.  Frosty the Snowman actually uses a greenhouse as an evil plot device, with a wealthy magician attempting to kill a friendly snowman in order to exploit his very reason for living.


OK, OK, I’m just kidding.  But there is How the Grinch Stole Christmas, which the Patriot Caucus PAC has helpfully recast as a Tea Party parable:

The Patriot Caucus appears to be Sharron Angle’s new organization, which will start working in the early presidential battleground states of Iowa, New Hampshire, Florida, and Nevada (natch) in “early 2011.”  In the meantime, they’ll leave us with this Christmas laugh — and reminder.  Enjoy.

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