Taxpayers fund Grayson's Greatest Hits DVD

It’s bad enough that taxpayers have to pay Rep. Alan Grayson’s salary while he makes lunatic rants on and off the House floor.  Now we’re on the hook for his greatest hits compilation DVD.  Grayson sent his constituents a DVD of his favorite moments as their elected Representative, and then stuck everyone with the bill:


The 90-minute disc features video highlights from his first term in office, including one of him grilling Fed Chairman Ben Bernankeand another in which the Orlando Democrat preaches on the need to teach schoolchildren about the U.S. Constitution.

The DVD comes wrapped inside a mailer covered with promotional slogans: “Congressman Alan Grayson, Hard at Work for You,” “He works hard. He pays attention. He gets things done,” and “Video DVD Inside: Watch Congressman Grayson in Action!”

In many ways, it’s the perfect campaign video — with one key difference.

Thanks to perks given to all members of Congress, it’s not Grayson’s campaign but taxpayers who footed the nearly $73,000 bill to produce and mail the DVD to 100,000 homes in Grayson’s district of Lake, Marion, Orange and Osceola counties.

Grayson says that he doesn’t see the video as self-promotional.  Really?  Judge for yourselves:

 Grayson doesn’t include some of his more memorable moments in this DVD, however. Let’s refresh some memories. First, Grayson tells a local TV station that having Republicans in charge of government is like letting al-Qaeda fly planes:


And let’s also recall Grayson’s defense of the Constitution — one of the “highlights” on his DVD — in the context of how Grayson would like to see political dissent handled:

Not everyone thinks imitation is the best form of flattery.

In fact, U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson of Orlando took such offense at a parody website aimed at unseating him that the freshman Democrat has asked that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder investigate the Lake County activist who started the anti-Grayson website “”

Specifically, Grayson accuses Republican activist Angie Langley of lying to federal elections. His four-page complaint highlights the fact that the Clermont resident lives outside his district, but that Langley still uses the term “my” in “”

“Ms. Langley has deliberately masqueraded as a constituent of mine, in order to try to create the false appearance that she speaks for constituents who don’t support me,” writes Grayson. “[She] has chosen a name for her committee that is utterly tasteless and juvenile.”

Grayson’s office did not respond with comment other than to confirm the letter exists — including its request that Langley be fined and “imprisoned for five years.”


Yes, let’s imprison people for their political speech. That’s certainly defending the Constitution! And let’s not forget Grayson’s expert grasp of the issues and the nuances of public policy, when he characterized Republican opposition to ObamaCare — still shared by a majority of Americans — as a wish that people would just “die quickly“:

Instead, Grayson has stuck taxpayers with a bill to fund his re-election campaign. That money should come out of Grayson’s campaign, or his own pocket. His constituents should ensure that Grayson doesn’t get the opportunity to use public resources to promote himself again by kicking him out of office in November.

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